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the experience of several years in the production of fruits and vegetables generated with 100 percent reusable and sustainable natural products.

Our fruits and vegetables are cultivated only in their own season.

Much love and patience are groundwork of our natural cultivation, distant only 300 meters from the Murgia Park border, five minutes from Castel del Monte built by Frederick II


Since the Murgia is in a with fences guarded zone, it doesn’t exist any danger of lead tracks caused by the annual hunt in our ground.


Sustainable, biological, limited and only the natural law following products from Puglia.


Exclusively local and the season following fruits, without any acceleration of the growth. Each plant has the freedom to determine how many fruits to beget, without putting them any kind of stress.


Miles away from the exhausted and stressed plants, cultivated with the intensive agriculture method.


The only admitted interventions are:



  1. Systematic and annual pruning of the plants, in the total respect of the favorable moon, that has the power to ease the wound and to help the plant, without much effort, to collect all the resources necessary for the annual production


  1. Wintry handling (on the plain tree) with mortar and verdigris, like our grandparents always did. In the percentage, we use only 50 percent of the admitted quantities of the treatment for the biological agriculture. This method was tested by me with success.


  1. Grass mowing with a parallel tinkles lawnmower. The remains are left on the ground in order to strengthen it by its natural fertilizer.


  1. Compost constituted with pollens, ashes from olive, cherry, and almond wood (given in alternated years, as it’s the case of this year - 2015 - ), or leaves, mowed grass and organic remains like the trimmed ones... a personal and tried method.


  1. Transplantation on the same ground of own plants, plants from other biological building and wild-grown plants.


  1. Self-dusting trees who fertilize thanks to bees and bumble-bees. This precious little helper appeared again after a long time in large number, thanks to the absence of chemicals on our ground.


We cultivate in limited quantity, thanks to the antique, local and Mediterranean knowhow and methods, that protects the variety, the taste and the health of the air and environment, and above all having respect for mankind and for the nature itself:



  • Almonds "Filippo Cea" (SlowFood)
  • Almonds "Tuono"
  • Soft almonds (local antique variety)
  • "Duroni Bigarreau Moreau" and "Burlat" cherries
  • Cherries "Ferrovia"
  • Cherries "Fuciletta" (antique variety)
  • Extravergine olive oil from "Cultivar Coratina-Ogliarola" and "Leccina" olives,
  • Olives in brine ("Santagostino" and "Leccina" olives)
  • Pomegranates
  • Mulberries
  • Pears of the "Tratturo"
  • Local plums
  • Season vegetables
  • Husk fruits, white and black "Murgiani" beans, peas, lupines.


Since March 2012, it’s strictly PROHIBITED every use on our ground of PESTICIDES, FERTILIZER CHEMICALS, GROWTHACCELERATORS and HORMONES.


Our ground is at any time open for visitors ( British and northern Europeans guests are welcome) who want to see our methods and want to taste their fruits, as well as for an exchange of ideas and experiences.


In the respective season, we organize an independent collection of fruits of the trees within a joyful ambient.



Antonio and Susi