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Healthy and Natural food


                                           THE MURGIA IS…




With its big and wide hills which speak at our hearts and dreams. With valleys, that once were crossed by mammoths and big prehistoric tigers fighting for survival. All that observed by a man who, astonished and at the same time frightened by so much strength, tries to protect his wife and child inside a hole warmed by a magic fire... waiting the next dawn to come.




With sheeps and goats driven by shepherds since millennia. Coming from the cold earths of Abruzzo and Molise, they move to our grounds to spend the night and most of all to find protection from the wolves in our fortified Jazzi. The next day they move on to more generous and greener pastures and spend there their winters.

In the last years, less shepherds crossed our grounds, and most of them are characterized by different accents and languages. Lots of people don’t want to do this job. It’s only for hardened people, who have a strong spirit of adaptation!



Full of trees and spontaneous grasses, which particularly during spring season, has magnificent colors, fragrances and tastes, that only the aware and capable visitor seems to notice. He is the only one who estimates the swarming life in this dry and bald earth, full of antique memories.



populated from a diverse wildlife, without any fear of dryness. It’s a ground that reminds more the Siberian steppe than the Mediterranean area, because of its temperature fluctuations.



signed by horrible stories of a dark Era. Our land, in the Middle age, was crossed by armed troops, motivated by a religious fanaticism, passing from the Alveum, the Castel Del Monte of Federico II near Andria, going then to Barulum, nowadays Barletta, where they could take ships to Jerusalem.



where people with different beliefs and thoughts, were invited from the far-sighted emperor Federico II into his unique palace, Castel del Monte. Its halls were the place were arguments and ideas were discussed, motivated from the consciousness, that only an united knowledge has the power to hold together people.



rich in human resources. With an unique sense of hospitality and marked by a non-ending hunger of knowledge.



like the unique and fascinating Castel Del Monte, the landlords farms as fortresses, the Jazzi with its gigantic rocks which had the purpose to save and defend many lives from the wolves, and the big Trulli, built in abundance in our area with the single resource offered: limestones of the Murgia.



plenty of olive trees, wheat, almond trees, fig trees, pomegranate trees, thorn bushes, cherry trees, peach trees, apricot trees and citrus fruits. All fruits of this country are characterized by an unmistakable taste and quality... it’s all in the thermal fluctuations. Everyone who demands food with quality, taste and health, should try once in life all this delicious treasures.

All these fruits, are for those who respect nature and protect it, in order to have a better future for the next generations.


Earth of glowing sunsets…


The Murgia… it’s like you can see someone in the horizon…